I’m In a Curry and Don’t Know Why

So sometimes I talk to my food, sometimes I talk about my food, sometimes other people talk about my food, but sometimes my food talks to ME!

The curry meatballs were being created in my frontal lobe with all my taste receptors on the side lines dancing. I couldn’t tell you where I was driving to or if my kids were fighting over plastic bags in the back seat, but the song just came on the radio. Volume 30….kids can’t exist at that volume…it’s not possible. “I’m in a hurry to get things done oh I’m rushing rushing…” Just like that. That was it…I had to make that dish. I’m in a Curry and Don’t Know Why. Disclaimer….they don’t all come that easy. But this is when I say the world is talking to me and well I was listening.

Why am I in a hurry?…hell I don’t know why. Where am I going? Am I in a hurry to get to the end of this life to see whats in the next one?

I added the onions, garlic, and beautiful selection of peppers to the metal vessel and it said “now slow and steady and enjoy the aroma as we slowly melt, mingle, and marry our flavors in the most perfect way.” They weren’t in a hurry….that curry. The development of the sauce layer by layer and with time and patience continued to develop.

Everything about this dish wasn’t in a hurry…even the meatballs wanted to sit and marinade in their herbs and fish sauce over night. They weren’t in a hurry…those balls. Take note boys….just give ‘em a rest.

Don’t think I forgot about the carrots, who wanted to first be blanched, ice bathed, and then slow roasted to develop their sweetness. They weren’t in a hurry…these carrots.

SO why the F*CK am I always in a hurry. I like my youth, my young kids, my business, my cute husband. Why are we all in a hurry to get through our day to open our eyes to another one? Hurry…take the kids to school. Hurry….get to work. Hurry….get the list done. Hurry…pick up kids. Hurry….make dinner. Hurry…get ready for another day to hurry. Why aren’t we marinading in each moment…developing our flavors.

So it seems quite ironic Alanis that my curry was actually not in a hurry. Sometimes all it takes is a spicy boiling pot of unhurried curry to remind me to slow down and enjoy all the steps in the process.

I’m in a hurry and don’t know why. But I making this curry and now I know exactly why.

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